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Recommendations For Outdoor Wall Decor

When deciding on the decoration of the garden wall, you should pay attention to the external structure and location of the house. Then create a suitable combination with material selection.

Outdoor Wall Decor
Outdoor Wall Decor

The garden wall, which is built to separate the garden surrounding the house in detached houses and garden residences from the outside area, can be given a special appearance with garden wall designs to have a different look. In outdoor wall decoration, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the dimensions, length, and surrounding area of the wall. In homes with gardens that provide a significant advantage and peace of mind, to prevent confinement within reinforced concrete structures, changes in wall designs are requested, while sometimes natural and intimate appearances and sometimes artistic decorations can be provided. An effective decoration of the garden wall, especially at the point of giving environmental application together with an effective decoration process in the garden, creates a corresponding image.

 When designing garden walls in gardens and detached houses, first of all, a decoration type suitable for the architectural design of the house should be selected. In the architectural structure of the house, the decoration can be provided by using these materials on the walls, which will be suitable for stone, reinforced concrete, wood, or metallic appearance. It is more advantageous to get architectural consultancy in this regard as it is a specialization job to make wall designs such as building the main structure of the house and providing garden decoration. Professionals can be an advantage for you at every point, from the materials that should be used in decoration to your garden wall, to the application system and from decorations to colors.

Different Models for Garden Wall Designs

While the garden wall designs of the garden and detached houses are realized in different regions such as America and Europe, especially the use of materials varies. While the garden walls are generally constructed with reinforced concrete structures, there are details such as metal balustrades in the intermediate areas or upper areas. At this point, when it is preferred to use decorative stones in the wall design, a complementary effect is created by using the railing bars with color and pattern compatible with the crack rocks. Composite materials constitute one of the different materials that can be preferred for garden wall designs such as rock use. If you want the garden part of your house to be a more sheltered and privacy zone, you can achieve this effect by using metallic railings and composite materials in between on a low concrete wall floor. Also, a more economical design can be created with this application.

 In some buildings, since the garden walls are built very high, when metal railings are placed on these types of fences, generally, white colors are preferred, and the walls are painted with light colors make the design simple. In the parts between the wall and the railing, appearance can be removed from uniformity with the intermediate decoration columns.

  Wood is one of the most effective materials to choose for decorating garden walls in detached houses adjacent to the seaside, lake edge, or forest in open areas. The use of logs as wood material, tree branches that are cut into equal dimensions, bamboo, dried reeds, or similar materials add color and aesthetic design to your garden.

Garden Wall Designs In Scenic Houses

One of the essential features of detached houses is the view that they have. Especially while designing garden walls in regions such as the seaside, it is necessary to provide designs that will not close this view and take it in the house. While the most effective material is glass in these designs, when combined with chrome and nickel-plating materials between glass floors, the desired useful image can be achieved. Sometimes, only metallic wall designs are used on garden walls, while decorative basalt stones or marble coverings can be preferred in some gardens.
